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Young Voices Against Indifference

R$ 150,00 Frete grátis

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2010

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Peso: 690g

ISBN: 9780300169157

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 10 de abril de 2024

Descrição: 2 - P - Livro em excelente estado de conservação: miolo, corte, borda, lombada e capa excelentes. Sem grifos, anotações, rasuras, assinaturas, dobras, páginas rasgadas, faltantes ou com furos de traça. In 1986, Elie Wiesel received the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his victory over "the powers of death and degradation, and to support the struggle of good against evil in the world." Soon after, he and his wife, Marion, created the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. A project at the heart of the Foundations mission is its Ethics Prize--a remarkable essay-writing contest through which thousands of students from colleges across the country are encouraged to confront ethical issues of personal significance. The Ethics Prize has grown exponentially over the past twenty years.

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