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Rabbit-proof Fence

R$ 12,50 + R$ 10,10 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: n/d

Estante: Ensino de Idiomas

Peso: 150g

Idioma: Não informado

Cadastrado em: 01 de setembro de 2015

Descrição: Cod. 10723 / Literatura em Inglês / Brochura / ISBN: 978-21-9479-144 / This is an extraordinary story of courage and faith. It is based on the actual experiences of three girls who fled from the repressive life of Moore River Native Settlement, following along the rabbit-proof fence back to their homelands. Assimilationist policy deemed these girls were taken from their kin and their land in order to be made white. Never having seen the ocean before, the three girls experience of transportation by boat to the settlement was tormenting. But their torment was just beginning. Settlement life was unbearable with its chains and padlocks, barred windows, hard cold beds and horrible food. Solitary confinement was doled out as regular punishment. They were not even allowed to speak thei

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