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Inner Gold

R$ 145,67 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2016

Estante: Religião

Peso: 111g

ISBN: 9780982165669

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 23 de maio de 2023

Descrição: Robert A. Johnson, bestselling author of He, She, We, and other psychology classics, shares a lifetime of insights and experiences in this easy-to-read explanation of psychological projection seeing traits in others that are, in fact, our own. He masterfully reveals how each of us gives up our inner gold to those whom we idealize or are attracted to. Each one of us must learn the arduous task of taking back this gold as we move through lifes journey.Drawing on early Christianity, medieval alchemy, depth psychology, and the myths of The Flying Dutchman and The Once and Future King, he also explores the subjects of loneliness, fundamentalist religion, and the spiritual dimensions of psychology.One of the most influential and visionary analysts of his generation, Johnson follows the tradition of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell among those whose ideas have shaped our deepest metaphors of self and psyche. His books are known worldwide for presenting Jungs complex theories with the simplicity and grace.With twinkling eyes and the smile of a wise old man, Robert Johnson brings us the wisdom of a life fully lived.The healing power of Robert's writing is palpable. - Marion WoodmanRobert Johnsons work always has that naked intensity that tells you youre in the psychic house of an honest man. - Robert Bly

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