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Pathetic Symphony

R$ 189,75 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2019

Estante: Biografias

Peso: 514g

ISBN: 9780910129244

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 29 de junho de 2023

Descrição: Like Mephisto, Pathetic Symphony is a novel about important artists and their milieu. Drawing his material from documented sources, and without ever distorting historical truth or sacrificing biographical accuracy for the sake of the narrative, Klaus Mann here presents a moving and unforgettable story of a tortured genius of music Peter llych Tchaikovsky.When the book was first published in 1948, The New York Times praised its erotic passages and the recreation of the European musical society Brahms, Wagner, Grieg, Rubinstein, Mussorgsky walk through the pages. Inextricably bound up with Tchaikovskys life are people who provide the rich orchestration of the novel: his beloved friend and mysterious benefactress, Madame von Meek, whom he never met personally; Désirée Artôt, the Belgian singer, with whom the young, struggling composer believed himself madly in love; Antonia Miliukov, the pathetic partner in Tchaikovskys short-lived and tragic marriage; and Tchaikovskys nephew Vladimir Davydov, whose youth and charm captured the heart of the older man.Tchaikovskys trials and triumphs, adventures and strange compulsions, maladjustments and neuroses inspired Klaus Manns admiration and compassion. Both were cosmopolitans who spent more time abroad than in their own countries; both raised the suspicion and envy of their contemporaries at home. According to Mann, Tchaikovsky was the prototype of a man without a country. In Russia, Tchaikovskys works were criticized as being too Western, the Germans accused him of Asiatic primitivity, and the Parisians found him overly Germanic. Mann wrote Tchaikovskys story with the conviction of personal identification: I could describe all of it; none of it was alien to me, he wrote in The Turning Point.Christopher Isherwood wrote of Mann, his friend, From his ear

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