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Creative and Mental Growth - 7th Edition

Capa ilustrativa
R$ 99,00 + R$ 27,84 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 1982

Estante: Psicologia

Peso: 1300g

ISBN: 9780000000002

Idioma: Português

Cadastrado em: 24 de setembro de 2013

Descrição: 460 páginas, capa dura original foto da capa do livro formato 20 x 24 cm, ótimo estado, sem grifos ou rasuras, carimbo na folha de rosto. sinopse From the Publisher Children are the essence of this book, but more than that, they are the essence of society. Creative and intellectual growth are the basis of any educational system, and it is the hope that this book can contribute to an understanding of the importance of this area so as to make the education of children a joyful and meaningful experience.MA11 03

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