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Judgment: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls 1185

R$ 9,00 + R$ 17,73 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2007

Estante: Administração

Peso: 651g

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 06 de julho de 2017

Descrição: Capa dura com sobrecapa em muito bom estado. 24 x 16 cm, 392 páginas. Whether we’re talking about United States presidents, CEOs, Major League coaches, or wartime generals, leaders are remembered for their best and worst judgment calls. In the face of ambiguity, uncertainty, and conflicting demands, the quality of a leader’s judgment determines the fate of the entire organization. That’s why judgment is the essence of leadership. Yet despite its importance, judgment has always been a fairly murky concept. The leadership literature has been conspicuously quiet on what, exactly, defines it. Does judgment differ from common sense or gut instinct? Is it a product of luck? Of smarts? Or is there a process for making consistently good calls...

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