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Youre Wearing That? - Understanding Mothers And...

R$ 25,00 + R$ 17,21 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2006

Estante: Psicologia

Peso: 650g

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 10 de junho de 2010

Descrição: livro novo encadernado; 272p. ISBN:1400062586; Sinopse:Deborah Tannens #1 New York Times bestseller You Just Dont Understand revolutionized communication between women and men. Now, in her most provocative and engaging book to date, she takes on what is potentially the most fraught and passionate connection of womens lives; the mother-daughter relationship. It was Tannen who first showed us that men and women speak different languages. Mothers and daughters speak the same language-but still often misunderstand each other, as they struggle to find the right balance between closeness and independence. Both mothers and daughters want to be seen for who they are, but tend to see the other as falling short of who she should be. Each overestimates the others power and underestimates her own.

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