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Obedience, Struggle and Revolt: Lecture on Theatre

R$ 45,00 + R$ 12,10 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2007

Estante: Teatro

Peso: 260g

ISBN: 9780571232192

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 20 de julho de 2022

Descrição: Tózinho 4247 - Exemplar importado, usado, pouco manuseado, brochura, 19, 7 X 12, 5 cm, conservado, 245 páginas. Contents: Obedience, Struggle and Revolt. I have a go, lady, I have a go. Eulogy for John Osborne. Why fabulate. A defense of the new. The play is in the air. What Asian babes? What Nazis? The cordless phone. Raymond Williams. I Cant be a father to everyone. Harold Pinter: going on seventy. Alan Clark: banned for life. The separation of Wheel and Track. The second Intifada. Chardonnay on the Potomac. When shall we live?

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