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The 100 Greatest Disasters of All Time

R$ 110,00 + R$ 21,42 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2002

Estante: História Geral

Peso: 1000g

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 09 de fevereiro de 2016

Descrição: "Any writer describing a large number of disasters (or anything else for that matter) needs to avoid merely pouring out facts and figures and listings. Talented authors present their books in unique ways, bringing an old subject across as if it were brand new. Spignesi has found his signature style here with Catastrophe. Ranking disasters by magnitude, he does a fine job of conveying just what makes each so interesting and terrible, all in just a few pages. Many begin from the perspective of a real or imagined victim. Then some of the most fascinating features of the tragedy are explained..." - capa dura com sobrecapa - 346 páginas - fotos em preto e branco - 19 x 26 cm - carimbo no topo da primeira folha, miolo perfeito - KT13

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