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The Ranch

R$ 6,00 + R$ 17,00 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 1998

Estante: Outros Assuntos

Peso: 650g

Idioma: Português

Cadastrado em: 20 de maio de 2012

Descrição: bom estado. capa danificada. escritos na página de rosto. isbn 04-440-22478-0. 472 páginas (muito amareladas). escrito em inglês. "in her thirty-ninth bestselling novel, danielle steel brings to life the story of three women, old roommates from college, who come together after twenty years, one summer at the ranch. they had been inseparable in college, mary stuart, tanya, and zoe. but in the years since then, the three had moved on with their lives, settled in different cities, and found succesful careers and, for some of them, new roles as mothers and chance, each would find herself alone for a few weeks one sommer, wrestling with both the present and the past..."

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